Everyone Needs a Rock

There are an assortment of books about rocks, stones, pet rocks and rock collections.

There is the classic, Stone Soup by Marcia Brown…

Read Out Loud | STONE SOUP

… or the hilarious Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors by Drew Daywalt.

Scholastic’s temporarily free Bookflix has a combination about rocks here, including the books Sylvestor and the Magic Pebble by William Steig and an informational book about Rock Collecting by Elaine Pascoe.  They also have some accompanying activities and information about rocks.

Adrienne Gear (a Canadian author and teacher) is posting weekly blogs called OLLI’s to develop help support online reading and writing.  In her fourth lesson, she uses the book: Everyone Needs a Rock by Byrd Baylor.  Once you listen or read the book (if you have it) then you can go on your own rock hunt following her “rules”.

So if you don’t have a special rock yet, I suggest you go and get one!