Author: Brenda Papapanagiotou (Page 5 of 8)

I am the teacher-librarian at École Westridge in Burnaby.

Literacy Week at Westridge – January 21st – January 25th!

Literacy Week at Westridge was a huge success!

École Westridge welcomed guest readers, hosted our annual Book Bonanza (book swap) and put together a Literacy Assembly featuring a teacher performance, students sharing their writing adventures and a video of students and staff discussing why Reading Helps Us Grow (our Library theme this year)!  All in all it was such a great week!  Many thanks to Peter Dubinksy (Director of Instruction for Burnaby School District), Jeanette Laursoo (Director of Instruction for Burnaby School District);

Dylan, Ryan from the SFU Mens’ Hockey Team







for supporting and sponsoring literacy in our school community! Also, thank you to all of the teachers and staff at École Westridge for making this week so special!  Finally, thanks to all the parents, students and staff who donated books for our Book Bonanza! 



Remember: reading helps you grow!

Celebrate Literacy Week at École Westridge!

This week (January 21st-January 25th) we are celebrating Literacy Week at École Westridge!  Some events include:

Tuesday: Dress Up as a Storybook Character for spirit points!  1:00 is our COL Assembly!

Wednesday:  Guest Reader Day

Thursday:  Book Swap

Celebrate the 20th anniversary of Family Literacy Day on January 27th.  For suggestions, consult the BC Family Literacy Website at:


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Westridge!  A new year is a great time to read a NEW BOOK!   A great book for intermediate students is Restart by Gordon Gorman! Image result for restart by gordon korman

Here is a trailer for the book:

This book is a great book to initiate a conversation with your tween on the topic of bullying.  Check out Gordon Korman’s “Talk with an author” in the link below:


On Monday, October 22nd, 2019, students at École Westridge participated in the annual DROP EVERYTHING AND READ (DEAR) challenge.  Students read in their classrooms, in the hallways and even outside! It was a fun event that celebrated how important reading is to the success and well-being of our students!
This challenge began officially in 2008 as an opportunity to celebrate literacy and education. BC Teacher-Librarians believe that access to good literature, literacy teaching and modelling of reading have contributed British Columbia’s high rankings on in international literacy. Seeing adults set aside work and business for a few minutes of pleasure reading has sent a powerful message to students- Reading can be a priority for all of us! Let`s work together parents, peers and teachers alike to model to our students how important and fun reading can be!
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