Poetry here, poetry there, poetry everywhere!

imageApril is poetry month and we’ve been having lots of fun with poetry in the library this past week.  Students have been reading poetry and talking about what they notice.

Divisions 5 and 16 read many different poetry books and marked their favourites with a post it.  They then passed the book to a friend so they could read the poems they chose and maybe find one or two of their own.  Here are some of the things they noticed about the poems they read.

We also explored a great poetry web site. Poetryfpundation.org has some great resources including videos of poems.  We watched some in the library.My favourite was “Daffodils” by William Wordsworth

After divisions 7 and 8 listened to this poem with their ears and their hearts, we wrote our own poems using what we had heard and what words or phrases were most powerful for us.  Here are our poems:



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