Social Justice

The following items are meant to help start discussion for ‘Social Justice and Mathematics’

Low rate for reporting sexual assaults  article: Jian Ghomeshi trial could deter women from reporting sexual assault.  In a 2012 study, University of Ottawa criminology professor Holly Johnson analyzed Statistics Canada data that suggests for every 1,000 incidents, 33 are reported, 12 result in charges, six go to trial and three result in convictions.

Richest 62 people own half the wealth  (January 2016 news article)

Does Wealth Inequality Matter?  (CBC show ‘The 180 ‘  –  UBC economist, Kevin Milligan says the widely shared headline which focused on just 62 billionaires getting more wealth, doesn’t paint a significant picture of the state of poverty in the world)

1 in 5 children in BC living in poverty (Nov 2015)

Poverty in Canada